TAG: Stanford University

Low navigation accuracy reports displayed at GPSJam.org. in New Mexico reports were due to GPS interference from military testing. In Texas and Oklahoma, military aerobatics training likely caused reports of low navigation accuracy. (Image: GPSJam.org)

One GPS Mystery Solved, Another Remains

February 7, 2023

FIGURE 1b. Map visualization of the comparison among position solutions computed using only GPS, only Galileo and a combined GPS plus Galileo dual-constellation solution at CU Boulder. (Image: Authors)

Innovation: Monitoring GNSS interference and spoofing — a low-cost approach

August 17, 2022

Photo: Lt.j.g. Alexander Fairbanks/U.S. Navy

Seen & Heard: Sailing new and old, tracking Iran

August 16, 2021

Figure 1. The three station locations. (Image: Authors)

Innovation: Ionospheric corrections for precise point positioning

August 1, 2021

Screenshot: Janes.com video/BlueSky

Geospatial imagery shows activity at Iranian nuclear facility

July 7, 2021

Photo: FAA William J. Hughes Technical Center

Innovation: Improving ARAIM

June 13, 2020

Logo: Rhinos

Research Online: An overview of the RHINOS work program

November 20, 2017