EOS platform offers worldwide satellite imagery

September 12, 2019  - By

EOS has partnered with four high-resolution imagery providers — Airbus Defense and Space, SI Imaging Services, SpaceWill and 21AT — so users can purchase the latest images directly from LandViewer, the official high-resolution data reseller, or view the images of an area of interest in high resolution on the map.

LandViewer collects the latest up-to-date satellite imagery from commercial satellite providers and incorporates it into an easy-to-use platform. The collection is constantly being improved with new sensors.

LandViewer offers two data sources of commercial imagery:

  • High-resolution imagery (for analytics), to find and purchase high-resolution images for further in-depth analysis. In this case, the price is based on the size of the area of intersection between the selected image and your area of interest (AOI).
Image from Landviewer for analytics. (Image: EOS)

Image from Landviewer for analytics. (Image: EOS)

  • High-resolution imagery (view only) to view high-resolution images for your area of interest (AOI). In this case, the price is based on the number of tiles within your AOI. The view only  option is designed as a stand-alone data source for the everyday business user.
Image from Landviewer (view only). (Image: EOS)

Image from Landviewer (view only). (Image: EOS)

The EOS platform uses commercial imagery from LandViewer with a resolution between 0.3 meter and 1.5 meters, enabling a close look at  assets of interest, anywhere in the world.